The Little School At A Glance
The Ramaytush are a linguistic subdivision of the Ohlone First Nations people of Northern California and their land encompasses San Francisco and San Mateo counties. This land was taken from them. We respectfully acknowledge that Little School is built on unceded Ramaytush Land and we invite you all to take a moment to consider this legacy. We begin to heal only when we begin to uncover and acknowledge the truth.
Founded by Leslie Roffman and Tim Treadway in 1984. Cassie Britton joined in 1986.
Incorporated as a non-profit in 1990.
Children Enrolled – 110
With identified additional support needs – 18%
Home Languages – 13
Percentage using extended care – 72%
Receiving Discounted Tuition – 15%
Total financial aid awarded – $361,566
Students of color - 60%
Fully Qualified ECE Teacher: 100%
Average years at The Little School: 11
Indoor space: 13,500 sq. ft.
Outdoor space: 4,000 sq. ft
Our innovative facility received a 1994-1996 SFAIA Award for institutional design
The yard was renovated 2009 to allow for a wide range of children to freely explore and enjoy the outdoors.
Our building was renovated in 2015 to increase our classroom capacity and better serve the needs of families interested in full-day care.
Green Business
Officially certified October 2023
The Little School complies with all environmental “greening” regulations in the areas of waste, energy, water, pollution, and air quality for the SF Department of the Environment