Three- & Four-Year-Olds
Age Range: 3.0-4.0 years old (as of September 1st)
Morning Program: 9:00am-12:30pm (Suggested drop-off 8:45-9:00am)
Before-care available from 8am; Afternoon Program available until 5:30pm
Traditional Track : Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Our gradual three-day 3’s program is designed to ease children into a group setting.
5-Day Track : Monday - Friday
“Children learn so much better when it comes out of their own interests, so my job as a teacher is to have a bigger picture and still notice a teachable moment and make the most of it. That’s how children learn things in a way that stays with them.”
By the age of three and four years old, children naturally move into a different kind of learning, characterized by greater interest in their environment.
In our 3-4 year old classes:
Friends and imagination take center stage
Questions about the outside world become major sources of exploration
Children begin to organize the world into categories, and their play into logical sequences of action. They seek out important roles in the classroom
They begin to reflect upon the world, their surroundings and themselves
The teachers gradually introduce new ways of exploring and representing the world, such as:
A writing area, clipboards for dictating stories and ideas, and signs for important creations
Dramatic play, sometimes facilitated with props, teacher involvement or familiar stories
A community meeting, where big new ideas are explored together
Jobs and responsibilities for taking care of the classroom community
Small groups where children can collaborate and work on developing new skills
Projects that groups of children develop over time
These explorations all take place within the security of a familiar classroom and teachers, as children remain with the same teachers for their 3-4 year old year.