Classroom Three


Staff contact information:

  • Little School main number – (415) 567-0430 

  • Teacher email - 

Drop off & pick up your child:

  • The morning program meets Monday - Friday from 9:00-12:30 (drop-off window 8:45-9:00am). Children staying for the afternoon can be picked up at 12:30pm or between 3:00pm-5:30pm. We ask that you don’t pick-up during rest/nap time, unless extenuating circumstances require it. 

  • We meet in Classroom 3 in the Little School Main Building.

Additional Notes from Rosie, Megan, and Tomoko:

Welcome to the Classroom Three summer class!  This letter is meant as an addition to the Little School parent handbook, which will give you a sense of our basic program.  

Orientation Groups for June 17th:


We look forward to a summer of fun, excitement, discovery and connection!  If this is your child’s first drop-off school experience, we have a golden opportunity to help your child work through the developmental milestone of separation. It can be challenging and a little scary, but handled sensitively, learning how to separate can be a source of tremendous growth and pride. You may find it helpful to review these separation guidelines: 

Before School . . .

  • Talk about school a few times

  • Give specific information – teachers’ names, songs they may sing, routines of the day

  • Emphasize that you will always come back

  • Acknowledge any feelings your child may show

  • Remind your child that, even with the above feelings, you know they will learn to say goodbye

  • Remind your child that the teacher will keep them safe and help them feel comfortable

  • Try to remain confident yourself

  • Make a clear, definite departure even if your child resists

Parents often feel apprehensive about leaving their child, and that’s okay. We look forward to getting to know your child well and supporting them through this new challenge. And, we’ve found that even within our short summer program, most children master a large chunk of this big task and move on to the serious business of FUN!


Now that we have begun to cover the subject of separation, we would like to share with you some important information about day-to-day logistics in the Summer Program. 

A TYPICAL DAY IN Classroom Three includes:

  • Open Choice Time:  All parts of the classroom are available for open exploration (art, sensory play, manipulatives, blocks, playdough, books, science, pretend play, etc.) 

  • Clean Up time 

  • Snack time

  • Circle Time (Music and Movement) During Circle Time, we sing, dance, move, play group games, act out stories, etc.

  • Yard time  We all know how valuable outdoor time is for children’s motor development, connection with nature, spontaneous and authentic play opportunities, social learning, and independence.

  • Lunch We will end each day by having lunch together. This is a great time for kids to connect with peers and teachers while eating their lunch from home. Please provide a nut-free lunch for your child each day. 

  • Afternoon Program (if enrolled):  Nap/Rest Time, and additional Open Choice and Yard Time


Every child should bring a backpack to school every day. The backpack should be large enough to hold a set of extra clothes* (in case your child’s clothes get wet or soiled), a jacket, items from home, and any items we send home from school (art work, wet clothes, etc.). 

*Please keep a plastic, ziplock bag or wet bag with a full change of clothes for your child in their backpack every day, and check it often to see if anything needs replacing. Feel free to include a bathing suit for water play on hot days. No need to provide diapers, as we have them already. 

Additionally, please label with their name all items of your child’s clothing and any comfort objects they may bring.  (Mabel's Labels is a fundraising partner - Visit and choose The Little School!)


Please send your child to school with a clean water bottle every day, labeled clearly with their name. It's ideal if your child's backpack has an outer pocket which can hold their water bottle for easy-access.


Little School will provide morning (and afternoon) snacks. If your child has dietary needs or allergies, please feel free to communicate that to us in multiple formats (forms, an email, and/or at our parent meeting). We are always grateful for your collaboration to make sure we are best meeting your child’s needs!


In the three to four year-old-year, we all eat lunch together. Please send your child to school with a lunch box and a water bottle. We are a nut free school. We’ve found that bento style lunch boxes work best. Here are some other options that families have had success with: Bentgo, Lunchbots, and Yumbox. A thermos is also great to keep food warm, as we are not able to heat up children’s lunches. 


We will send home an empty “family photo album” so that you can fill it with photos and return it to school, where it will live. Photos should reflect your child’s home life: pictures of family members, friends, pets, favorite places, birthday celebrations...whatever is important to your child. Please place a headshot of your child in the front window. Please try to return the photo album by the beginning of the second week of the summer program. These albums will help bridge home and school, learn about and celebrate each child’s individual identity, find comfort from separation anxiety, and connect with friends.  If your child is continuing on in Classroom 3, please feel free to update their album with some new photos, if desired. 


We provide diapers and wipes for children who are not yet using the toilet. We check diapers frequently and change when needed. We encourage each child in underwear to try to use the potty during Open Choice time (and later in the day, as necessary). Having a diaper changed or going potty at school for the first time often makes children feel nervous or vulnerable. So, until we have formed a trusting relationship with your child, if your child is only enrolled in the morning program and strongly resists a diaper change at school, we will likely follow their lead and wait for parents to return and change wet diapers.

We are happy to partner with you to support your child as they make the transition to underwear at school. Once your child is toilet trained, we encourage you to develop a routine of helping them use the potty at school before you say goodbye.


At this time, masking is optional at Little School. If your child will be wearing a mask, please send at least two clean face masks labeled with your child’s name to school each day.


We will plan to play on the yard in most weather conditions. Please send warm layers as needed. Please send a raincoat and rain boots to school with your child on rainy days. On sunny days, please apply sunblock to your child in the morning before arriving at school for drop off. 

We do lots of messy activities at LS, and children often get dirty in the yard!  So that your child feels free to take part in these valuable learning opportunities, please dress them in clothes that they and you will feel comfortable getting messy.


We will share a Google Photo album with you that you can access at any time, and upload photos each school day. Each week, we will communicate with you via email or Procare message about what is happening in the classroom. This is intended to be a window into your child’s school morning, and looking at them with your child is a great way to start conversations about their school life. We’ll also often include important developmental and logistical information in our communications, so please make sure to read them as they are sent.

If your child is not going to be at school, please email us to let us know. Please note that we primarily respond to emails during our off-the-floor work hours.  For time-sensitive issues, ProCare Messenger is a great way to get a message to us while we are with the children. Of course, brief check-ins at drop-off and pick-up are also great.  We are always happy to communicate at greater length over the phone, email, or via Zoom. Connecting and collaborating with families about their children is one of our very favorite things to do! 

We look forward to a wonderful summer together, 

Megan, Rosie, and Tomoko :)